Sunday, May 30, 2010

Brianne and Kelsey's Dance Recital

Brianne and Kelsey had their dance recital on May 21st. The first video shows Brianne (usually in the middle). The second is too far away and too washed out of Kelsey, but if you can find her (usually in the middle), it shows her dance pretty well. The third doesn't show much of Kelsey's dance but it shows her much better.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Much Ado About Nothing

On May 19th, Jackson starred in the 2nd grade production of "Much Ado About Nothing" and sang a solo at the end.

Deer Near Walmart

On May 17th, I spotted these deer in a field near Walmart. As you can see, the field is next to the main road and you can see Lone Peak High School in the background on the left. It didn't seem like anyone else saw them, so I hurried home and got my camera.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Liam's Birthday

Liam is still a little young for an activity, but we got him a "front loader" and celebrated a bit with him.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Racquetball With Justen

I've started playing racquetball with Justen twice a week. He is improving rapidly and my soreness the next morning is increasing proportionally. So, now I'm racquetball partner AND music collaborator with my grandson. How many old men can say that? Life is good!

Kelsey's Birthday & Baptism

Kelsey was baptized by Jeff on April 24th, 2010. My parents, among others, were in attendance. For her birthday, she wanted to go "earring shopping." Afterward, we caught her eating ice cream with this old man.

Maryn's Birthday

Maryn actually celebrated her birthday in New York City. When she got home, all she wanted was black tennis shoes (pictured above), so we took her out for dinner and got her black tennis shoes (but not in that order).

Nikkail's Birthday

We didn't get to celebrate Nikkail's birthday with her until April -- after she got back from New York. We took her to a play at the Desert Star Theater that was a hilarious spoof on "Pirates of the Caribbean" (and the "Love Boat," and "Gilligan's Island," and anything else that they could think of to spoof).

New York City

Nikkail had to do a school report on New York, so Kristi decided it would be fun to do some "on site" research. She invited Alice to go with her, Maryn, and Nikkail to New York City. Among other things, they saw the Statue of Liberty, strolled in Central Park, danced in Times Square, shopped at Macy's, and visited Rupert Gee (made famous by David Letterman).

Maggie's Birthday

Maggie had a birthday in February, but this picture obviously isn't from February. Maggie wanted to have a sleepover with all of her siblings for her birthday. Then Alice took her "earring shopping." There was so much excitement on the occasion that I forgot to take my camera. This was taken at Kelsey's baptism.

Time Keeps On...

Steve Miller had a song "Fly Like An Eagle" that started out with the following lyrics: "Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future." Time slipped away from me the last few months. A lot has happened since Christmas and I hope to get caught up on the highlights soon. Katie and Mary had birthdays. We weren't able to be with them in Georgia, but we were able to have a "Skype" conversation recently. I also hijacked a couple of my favorite pictures from Emily's blog showing action shots of them on their field day.