Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Day

It snowed again Christmas Eve, so this is what our back yard looked like on Christmas morning.
First, we went to Teri's house.
Then, we went to Kristi's.  (Maryn didn't want to be in the picture because she hadn't done her hair and makeup yet.)
Then, everyone came to our house for dinner, so I got a picture of Suzi's family in front of our tree...
...and Michael's family in front of theirs.

Mary's Christmas Concert

Mary's school band performed on December 19th.  These are excerpts from their three songs.

Snow Storm

On December 15th, we got a lot of snow, but it was gone in a few days.

Jackson & Maggie's Chorus Concert

Jackson and Maggie both sing in the school chorus.  Jackson is on the back row, second from the left.  Maggie is on the middle row, sixth from the left.
Maggie was chosen to play a drum during one of the songs.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nikkail's Concert

On November 28th, the Youth Symphony performed some Christmas music for the Festival of Trees at the Expo Center in Sandy.  Unfortunately, the lighting and sound weren't as good as her junior high auditorium.  Nikkail is in the center with a girl on her her right and a boy on her left.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Joseph's Championship Football Team

Joseph played football for the first time this year.  The bigger boys are called "X-Men" (you can see an "X" on his helmet in the first picture) and are only allowed be linemen.  His team only lost one game the whole season and ended up playing (and winning) the championship game in heavy snow (as seen in the last 2 pictures).  Joseph is #33.
Joseph played guard on offense.
He sometimes had to block guys that were bigger than him.
He also played guard on defense.
That's Joseph directly above # 74.
This is the whole team after winning the championship game.


Our stake has been doing an elaborate live Nativity for 14 years that now attracts thousands of visitors over its 4-day run.  The Nativity was scheduled from 6-9 pm on Monday, November 26th through Thursday, November 29th, but it took until at least 10 pm each night to accommodate all the visitors.  This Nativity was featured in the Church News on December 18th, 2004 (, but it has grown bigger and more elaborate since then.  On Monday, I was one of the Three Wise Men and Alice was the Wool Dyer.  A fellow in our ward took this picture after we got into our costumes.
On Tuesday, I was the prophet and Alice took the following pictures.