Sunday, April 29, 2012

Am I a Farmer Now?

If you have a tractor and a horse trailer, does that make you a farmer?  We have so much landscaping to do and we've had to pay so much for equipment rentals, we decided to buy a tractor.  It's an old 1970 Ford, but it has a front loader, a back hoe, it runs well, and it was cheap!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Alice's Horses

Alice got a new horse named Pretty Girl.  Misty was a bit too unpredictable and would take off running or refuse to go sometimes.  One time, she was running too fast and before I could get her slowed down, Legend stepped out in front of her, so she turned sharply and I ended up on the pavement.  It knocked the wind out of me and my ribs were bruised (or worse) for a month, so Alice sold her.  Now Alice has a new riding buddy.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chase's Soccer

Saturday morning, I went to one of Chase's soccer games. In the top video, Chase (#9) chases down an opponent and prevents an easy score by kicking the ball out of bounds. In the bottom video, Chase almost scores, but his own teammate kicks the ball away at the last second.

Katie's Softball

Friday afternoon, we went to one of Katie's softball games. Katie was on an all-star team in Georgia, but the quality of girl's softball isn't as good in Utah. The top video is Katie throwing to first. The bottom video is Katie batting.

Draeden & Grandparent's Day

Friday morning, Draeden's school had a Grandparent's Day program. They sang songs, told stories, and recited poems, but the highlight is shown in the video above. Every 2nd grade student learned to waltz so that they could waltz with a grandparent.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kelsey's Birthday

For Kelsey's birthday, we went bowling and then to her favorite restaurant -- Del Taco.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Saturday

In the past, we've had a dinner on Easter Sunday, but the kids get restless after dinner and it's very difficult to maintain a "sabbath atmosphere," so we decided to have a fun day for the grandkids on "Easter Saturday," then let each family celebrate Easter on their own. It was a great success. Video 1: The older grandkids hid plastic eggs for the younger grandkids. Videos 2 & 3: The younger grandkids each had a "buddy" to help them find eggs -- and the pace quickened. Picture 1: Before and after the Easter Egg Hunt, we got more "free dirt." Picture 2: All of the eggs had candy and/or prizes inside.

Mary's Birthday

For Mary's birthday, we went to a movie and to the Cheesecake Factory on Friday, April 6th. Again, I forgot my camera, so I took a picture of Mary in her Easter dress.

Maryn's Birthday

On Wednesday, April 4th, we went with Maryn to one of our favorite Italian restaurants. I forgot to take my camera, so I "borrowed" one of her Facebook pictures (from her St. George trip).

Nikkail's Birthday

For Nikkail's 12th birthday, she wanted to do Temple Baptisms with her cousins. So, on March 29th, I baptized Nikkail, Brianne, and Mary for their French ancestors (on Alice's side), then they went to Chuck-A-Rama with us (just the girls -- not the ancestors).

Chase and Liam

On March 28th, Chase and Liam were here for a while while Teri had an appointment and Kristi was out of town. Chase built the "marble tower" almost entirely by himself -- following the directions in the manual -- then both boys had fun with the rolling marbles.