Monday, June 14, 2010

Youth Conference

We were the Ward Youth Conference coordinators again this year. We had a few youth and leaders coming and going, but we had an average of 52 youth and 12 leaders. We started by doing baptisms at the Salt Lake Temple, then we climbed Ensign Peak, toured the conference Center, watched the Tabernacle Choir rehearse, and had a fireside. Both Thursday and Friday nights, we stayed in the dorms at the University of Utah and ate our meals (all-you-can-eat) in their dining hall. On Friday, we watched the Joseph Smith movie at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, played games, swam, attended a concert, and had a bishop's fireside. Saturday morning, we had a testimony meeting and it was gratifying to hear how many youth had felt the Spirit -- especially at the Joseph Smith movie. The first picture above was taken at the base of Ensign Peak, the second was taken at the top.