Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another Great Thanksgiving

We stayed overnight at the same hotel as last year, but changed a few details based on what we learned before. First, we only stayed one night -- which made it easier for families. Second, Kristi rented an extra adjoining room so that Liam could go to bed while the older kids/adults stayed up and played games. Third, we rented a "Board Room" so that we could have a fireside (which turned out to be a "morningside"), dinner preparations, dinner, and after-dinner activities without having to leave the hotel. Picture 1: The dads were the lifeguards. Picture 2: I think everyone had fun at the pool. Picture 3: Wednesday evening, Brianne supervised the construction of turkeys. Picture 4: The turkeys were the centerpiece for our Thanksgiving dinner in the "Board Room." Picture 5: There were fun games going on all over the hotel (including in the elevator) -- some of which we were unaware until we saw Maryn's photos.