Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 9: Naples to Bari

We found Vesuvius! I spent about 2 hours last night checking websites until I found one that described the route (turn by turn) and Googled mapped it as well. We have a GPS, but without an exact address or a preprogrammed location, it's only moderately helpful. Vesuvius was pretty impressive -- and the view was amazing. We were able to drive most of the way up, but then climbed about a mile. Next, we went to Pompeii. We had no idea how large the city was (12,000 people) or how prosperous and "modern" the people were. Then, we drove to Bari. We'll be turning in our trusty "Fiat" that we've enjoyed driving from Munich to Bari and boarding a ferry that leaves at 8 pm for Greece. We have our own room on the ferry (which takes about 16 hours to get to Patras), but I probably won't have an internet connection, so I probably won't be able to make a blog entry tomorrow. Picture 1: A view of Vesuvius from below; Picture 2: A view from the top of Vesuvius; Picture 3: A view down into Vesuvius; Picture 4: A view of Vesuvius from Pompeii.